Art Therapy Online Master Class 2022

Art Therapy Online Master Class 2022

From 2022-03-09 19:30 until 2022-03-19 21:30
At Zoom
Posted by eventadmin
Hits: 4091

We are excited to have invited Diana Kayafa, Art Psychotherapist (HCPC, BAAT, EFAT) & Clinical Supervisor (BACP), founding Member of the Greek Developing Group for the International Association of Analytical Psychology, to teach a class on ‘Working in (Art) Therapy with Dreams’.

Dreams have fascinated psychologists and psychotherapists since the birth of the profession. Dreams are rooted in the unconscious and therapists work with the dream fragments to encourage the integration of the dreamer.

Using an analytic lens, we will explore the subject of dreams and their significance in art therapy. We will discuss various avenues of working with the dream and the dreamer. The talk will be followed by an experiential part where you will be invited to ‘dream your dreams on’.

Date: 19/3/2022 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30 – 9:30pm HKT
Fee: HK$250 (Professional member/ Associate Member)

         HK$300 (General member) 

         HK$400 (Non-member)

Enrolment: scan QR code in attached poster or click the following link to complete application (

Bio of Diana Kayafa

Art Psychotherapist (HCPC, BAAT, EFAT) & Clinical Supervisor (BACP), founding Member of the Greek Developing Group for the International Association of Analytical Psychology.

Diana is the Programme Leader of the MA in Art Psychotherapy (University of Roehampton, UK), lecturer at Goldsmith’s university (2013-2021), and a Guest Lecturer for a variety of institutions such as Society for Analytical Psychology. She is a lead figure in the development of art psychotherapy in Europe. Her clinical expertise lies in palliative care while she has worked extensively in child and adult mental health. Diana maintains a private practice in London and online for supervision and art psychotherapy services where the cultivation of the conditions for creativity is key to the work.

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  • Registration Rules & Regulations

    All applicants are required to submit payment (per head per registration), via bank transfer to the below account to confirm the registration. Receipt must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within three (3) days after initial online registration.

    Additional Charges: Annual membership renewal date is July 1st, a late fee of $50 applies to renewal on or after August 1st. For overseas bank transfer for event or membership, an additional $50 service charge applies.

    Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists

    An official confirmation email will be sent to your registered email after payment is received.

    Workshop will be cancelled if a black rainstorm warning or a typhoon signal no. 8 or above is still in force 2 hours before the event. In this case, the payment will be refunded to applicants.

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