Chinese Medicine Based Art Therapy

Chinese Medicine Based Art Therapy

From 2024-06-22 17:00 until 2024-06-22 18:30
Posted by eventadmin
Categories: Upcoming, Featured, Events
Hits: 2431

Have you ever wondered how the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine could be integrated with the transformative power of the creative arts?Have you ever wondered how the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine could be integrated with the transformative power of the creative arts?During this Creative Arts Therapies Month, HKAAT is pleased to invite Ms. Xu (1X), an experienced Art Therapist from Taiwan, to deliver a captivating workshop on "Understanding Emotions, Restoring Balance" through this unique integrative approach.Discover how traditional Chinese medicine practices, such as acupuncture, herbs, and meridian theory, can be combined with art therapy techniques to promote emotional wellness and self-care. Explore how these time-honored methods can help you cultivate inner harmony and achieve greater balance in your life.Note: Workshop will be delivered in Mandarin.



  • Registration Rules & Regulations

    All applicants are required to submit payment (per head per registration), via bank transfer to the below account to confirm the registration. Receipt must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within three (3) days after initial online registration.

    Additional Charges: Annual membership renewal date is July 1st, a late fee of $50 applies to renewal on or after August 1st. For overseas bank transfer for event or membership, an additional $50 service charge applies.

    Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists

    An official confirmation email will be sent to your registered email after payment is received.

    Workshop will be cancelled if a black rainstorm warning or a typhoon signal no. 8 or above is still in force 2 hours before the event. In this case, the payment will be refunded to applicants.

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