From 2022-06-25 20:30 until 2022-06-25 22:00
Posted by eventadmin
How Art Heals - Universal Access to Artistic Expression as a Force of Nature
by Dr. Shaun McNiff
Art heals throughout history and the world by infusing persons and communities with creative energy (ch’i) and by transforming difficulties (neidan-inner alchemy) into affirmations of life.
Basic principles of practice will be explored-- how to further universal access and authentic expression for people from every sector of society. Special attention will be given to resistances, inhibitions, and doubts that are channeled into creative and healing expressions; and how the most elemental and simple gestures and organic actions access the depths of artistic expression. Assumptions about who can and cannot make quality art will be addressed together with an exploration of how communities can achieve more complete artistic accessibility and inclusion for every person. The session will focus on natural and authentic bodily movement as the basis of artistic expression; the significance of simplicity and authenticity in quality expression; and the power of creating in community.
• Understand how to create environments and communities that support the creative expression of others, relax inhibitions, cultivate responsiveness to the creative force.
• Realize how to introduce universally accessible, simple, and natural opportunities for artistic expression based in the body’s unique movements, repetitions, and rhythms which generate change.
• Gain skills in witnessing and supporting the expression of others.
• Understand how art heals through the infusion of creative energy and the transformation of difficulties.
Date: 25/6/2022 (Saturday)
Pre-workshop: 8:30pm - 10:00pm *OPEN TO ALL*
AGM: 10:00-10:30pm *MEMBERS ONLY*
Language: English
Price: Professional/Associate/General members (Free), Non-members ($250)
Please find mroe details and register here:
Registration deadline: 18/6/2022
Virtual link will be sent after successful registration. For any enquiries, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Shaun McNiff, PhD, ATR
Shaun McNiff is internationally recognized for furthering universal access to artistic expression as a source of creative well-being and human understanding in keeping with the continuities of world experience. University Professor Emeritus at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he is past president, and recipient of the Honorary Life Member award, of the American Art Therapy Association. His books include Art As Medicine, Imagination in Action, Trust the Process, and Creating with Others. Shaun was selected by Mary Ann Brussat for the original Living Spiritual Teachers Project recognizing his contributions to everyday spirituality and the enhancement of creative imagination.