Chick, Kin Ying (Jess) 戚健英
Registered Art Psychotherapist (UK), HCPC & BAAT,
BA in Social Work, Registered Social worker,
Master of Science in Art Therapy
Ms. Kin Ying CHICK, Jess is a registered art therapist (UK) and a registered social worker, spiritual director and certified zentangle teacher . In 2005, she completed a master's program in art therapy in the UK. After returning to Hong Kong, she has worked as a full-time art therapist at a rehabilitation complex for people with mental illness and intellectual disability for five years. Since 2011, she started to work with different social service agencies in different projects. She has worked with people who have autism, dementia, long-term illness, substance abuse problem and children or teenagers with SEN and emotional problem. Services include parent group, personal growth groups or workshop, stress management program, social workers’ training, training workshops, community exhibitions, etc.
From 2015, she has been a part-time instructor at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies at CUHK. She has committed to developing art therapy training and promoting personal growth and professional development. In recent years, she has been keen on integrating art therapy into different theories such as Chinese calligraphy, Jungian dreamwork and Christian spiritual development.
戚健英女士為英國註冊藝術治療師、註冊社工、基督教靈修導師及禪繞畫認證教師。於2005年, 在英國完成藝術治療碩士課程,回港後在精神復康及智障服務單位, 出任全職藝術治療師達五年。自2011年,開始私人執業,與不同社會服務單位合作,曾服務對象包括精神病康復者及智障人士、自閉症、腦退化長者、戒毒院舍的青年、特殊教育需要兒童及家長訓練、學校青少年、家長減壓書法小組、情緒問題兒童、長期病患者與家屬支援、個人成長課程、壓力處理工作坊、社工培訓、團隊退修等。服務形式包括個案輔導、小組治療、工作坊、及社區展覽等。自2015年,在中文大學專業進修學院作兼職講師,教授藝術治療基礎及應用課程。近年致力整合藝術治療和不同的理論和療癒方法,如書法治療,榮格釋夢及個人成長,靈性培育及靈修指導等,務求發揮藝術治療更高的成效。