Coolminds x HKAAT:Summer Check-In『開Sum打卡』2021

Coolminds x HKAAT:Summer Check-In『開Sum打卡』2021

From 2021-08-14 12:45 until 2021-08-14 18:00
Posted by eventadmin
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Hits: 3406


Coolminds x HKAAT

Summer Check-In Art Workshop- "Heal with Nature"

Nature awakens the resilience of our life. With the art therapist’s facilitation, participants are invited to. observe and recreate the beauty of life at different stages. Let's listen to our inner voices and make sense of our experiences. No art skills are required. 
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Sally is a registered art psychotherapist who trained at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Sally has experience working with children and adults with a variety of emotional and learning difficulties in Hong Kong and the UK. She has worked in hospitals, local schools, day centres for asylum seekers, and hospices. She specializes in working with mental disorders, emotional disturbance, and special needs. She adopts a person-centered, psychodynamic approach in her art therapy work.
施晴馨: 英國註冊藝術治療師,具英國藝術治療師執業資格,於英國倫敦大學金匠學院獲取藝術治療碩士。曾於香港和英國倫敦的學校、日間尋求庇護者中心、精神科醫院、特殊學校提供藝術治療。主要服務對象包括受情緒困擾兒童、青少年、成人、精神病患者、精神病復康者及特殊需要學童。以人本及心理動力作藝術治療方針。
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Abbie So is a registered art psychotherapist who has worked with children with a variety of emotional difficulties, as well as adults with mental health needs in the UK's National Health Service (NHS). She has worked with clients experiencing psychosis, depression, acute anxiety, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), autism, Asperger’s syndrome, physical disability and social isolation, in groups, open studios and one-to-one settings.
蘇梓維: 英國註冊藝術治療師,及英國治療師協會專業會員。近年專注為癌症病人及其家屬提供臨床藝術心理治療。曾在英國國民保健服務(NHS)中的成人精神病院及倫敦市內的小學擔任藝術治療師,為情緒困擾,飲食失調,抑鬱,燥鬱,意外創傷,思覺失調,強迫症,焦慮,注意力不足及過動,自閉症,低自尊,家庭矛盾及傷健人士進行一對一,小組和公開組的藝術治療服務。
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